HannoverCity 2020+ // Hanover,Germany

Hanover has been deliberately altering its layout for over fifteen years in an attempt to leave behind the concrete slabs of the 1970s, reinventing itself as an attractive city offering a high quality of life. The major objective of the re-design scheme was to put people first in urban planning. Developments have been most striking along the North-South axis from Bahnhofstrasse via Kröpcke and Platz der Weltausstellung down to Markthalle, the roofed market dating back to the 1950s.
How to re-create public space in central Hanover was the subject of intense debate involving the local population, the results of which were laid out in the HannoverCity2020+ dialogue. Private initiatives came into play when ideas and support were needed to re-design Opernplatz (Opera Square) and for a facelift of Luisenstrasse.
Once the city centre redevelopment scheme is completed, other neighbourhoods will get their turn, all to achieve one major goal – to turn Hanover into an appealing city where people love to live.